Frank for Sheriff
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Frank Milstead
for Sheriff

Former Colonel of Arizona DPS.
Future Sheriff of Maricopa County.

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How I Drive Change

What I Stand For

With 35 years in law enforcement and leadership roles in two major police agencies, I understand the importance of stepping up to address our community's safety challenges. Maricopa County faces issues like migrant crime, fentanyl, and human trafficking, worsened by the dismantling of initiatives like the Arizona Border Strikeforce that I founded.

This has resulted in wasted resources and reduced effectiveness in combating these problems. Additionally, there are concerns about the support for our police forces, with actions by Phoenix Mayor Gallego leading to a weakened Phoenix Police Department, which could affect the quality of service due to a lack of support and trust.

As the fourth most populous county in the U.S., Maricopa County's safety is crucial. This election is vital for preventing the crime and economic issues seen in cities that reduced police funding and support. I am committed to maintaining the safety of our community and efficiently managing resources to ensure it.

A True Arizona Native

Born and raised in Phoenix, Maricopa County is my home. Ensuring public safety excellence isn't just a passion, its also part of my family's history.

2nd Generation Arizonan

Born and raised in Phoenix, I grew up in a family deeply connected to the community, with my father serving in the Phoenix Police Department before leading the Arizona Department of Public Safety. Alongside my two children, I've experienced the rich tapestry of life in Phoenix and look forward to contributing to our community again.

A Legacy in Public Safety

During my 35 year career in Law Enforcement, I've received the Torch of Liberty award from the Anti-Defamation League, the Medal of Heroism from the Rotary 100 Club, and the Medal of Valor and Medal of Life Saving from the Phoenix Police Department.

My Platform

My campaign focuses on building trust, ensuring accountability, and enhancing safety in Maricopa County. By adopting these principles, I aim to foster a more efficient and responsive Sheriff's office that meets everyone's needs. Together, let's work towards a safer, united Maricopa County for the future.


Leadership and Organizational Culture

Initiatives include leadership training across all levels to foster accountability, ethics, and community-focused policing. A task force with community leaders, law enforcement professionals, and mental health experts will review and suggest improvements to policies. A transparent complaint review process will be established to ensure deputy accountability and fairness.

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Recruitment, Training, and Community Engagement

Efforts will focus on attracting diverse candidates through enhanced recruitment and offering anti-bias training.

A comprehensive curriculum will prioritize de-escalation, crisis intervention, and cultural awareness, complemented by partnerships with educational institutions to provide internships and career paths in law enforcement.

This approach strengthens community relations and ensures a well-prepared force.Moreover, under recruitment and training initiatives, emphasis will be placed on retention strategies to foster a committed and experienced team.

Additionally, prioritizing the safety and mental health wellness of our officers is paramount. We will implement programs and resources to support their physical and mental well-being, along with initiatives to provide assistance and care for their families. Through these efforts, we aim to cultivate a supportive and resilient law enforcement community.

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Policy Standards and Community Oversight

Efforts will be directed towards attracting diverse candidates through enhanced recruitment strategies and providing bias training. A comprehensive curriculum will prioritize de-escalation, crisis intervention, and cultural awareness training.

Additionally, partnerships with educational institutions will be forged to offer internships and establish career paths in law enforcement. This holistic approach aims to strengthen community relations and ensure the readiness of the law enforcement force.

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Enhanced Safety Initiatives

Our top priority is making our communities safe for everyone, with a strong focus on reducing violence and harm. Efforts will be directed towards combating the drug epidemic of fentanyl and methamphetamine, as well as addressing gangs that prey on our residents and businesses.

Additionally, we will extend our efforts to improve school security through expanded resource officer programs and providing training for school personnel on threat response. Strategies to combat organized retail theft will involve forming partnerships with local businesses and coordinating with law enforcement to effectively deter and address crime.

Furthermore, addressing the safety of voting sites is crucial. We will collaborate with election officials to enhance security measures and increase voter education. These priorities underscore our commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of our communities.

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Endorsed By Proven Leaders

Arizona State Troopers Association
Mesa Police Association

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Top Priorities

My six top priorities and focal points.

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Foster accountability and community engagement through leadership training, policy review task forces, and transparent complaint processes.

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A New Generation

Diversify recruitment, emphasize de-escalation and cultural competency in training, and foster career pathways with educational partnerships.

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Policy Standards

Update policies for best practices, establish a citizen review board, and ensure ongoing policy training.

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Border Security

Strengthen border security through partnerships and joint task forces to tackle cross-border issues.

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School Safety

Expand resource officer programs and threat response training, and develop tailored school safety plans.

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Theft Prevention

Develop theft prevention strategies, educate businesses, and enhance law enforcement collaboration.

Upcoming Campaign

To make sure all Citizen rights, you have to work together and make better country for our child. So we have to take initiative proper

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15 Feb

Human rights Campaign

Molex Square, New York

To make sure all Citizen rights, you have to work together better country our for human rights

2pm - 5pm
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15 Feb

Environmental Protection

Molex Square, New York

To make sure all Citizen rights, you have to work together better country our for human rights

2pm - 5pm
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15 Feb

Protect Political Violence

Molex Square, New York

To make sure all Citizen rights, you have to work together better country our for human rights

2pm - 5pm
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To make sure all Citizen rights, you have to work together and make better living country so make your contribution here and be a part of us

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